

  1. Output of fmm
  2. Output of ubodt_gen

Output of fmm

The output of program fmm is a CSV file containing the following information based on user specification:

Output fields Type Description
id int trajectory id
ogeom string original trajectory geometry
opath list of int edge matched to each point in trajectory
error list of floats distance from each point to its matched point
offset list of floats distance from the matched point to the start of the matched edge
length list of floats length of the matched edge for each point
spdist list of floats shortest path distances traversed between consecutive points
duration list of floats time difference (duration) between two consecutive GPS points
speed list of floats speed of the vehicle between two consecutive GPS points, calculated by spdist/duration
pgeom string a line connecting the matched points
cpath list of int the path traversed by the trajectory
tpath list of int edges traversed between consecutive points separated by `
mgeom string the geometry of the cpath
ep list of floats emission probability in HMM for each matched point
tp list of floats transition probability in HMM for two consecutive matched points
all - all the above fields are exported

By default, only cpath and mgeom are exported. The fields are illusrated by the image below.

fmm output

Output of ubodt_gen

The output of program ubodt_gen is a CSV file or a Binary file, which is automatically detected from the file extension csv or bin. Binary file can be used to save space in case of a large road network.

The CSV file contains the following information:

Columns Type Description
source int index of source node
target int index of target node
next_n int index of next node index visited from source to target
prev_n int index of the node visited before target
next_e int index of next edge visited from source to target
dist float shortest path distance from source to target


In UBODT, all the integers are stored as index of nodes or edges, the actual id of edge will be retrieved from the road network in map matching.