
Windows platform (tested with win7)

  1. Install requirements
  2. Install C++ program and Python bindings
  3. Verfication of installation
    1. Verify c++ program
    2. Verify python binding

Install requirements

Tested on Win7 (64bit) with cygwin environment


All the commands listed below should be executed under the cygwin terminal instead of the windows cmd terminal.

  1. Download and Install cygwin
  2. Install apt-cyg.
    After you have installed cygwin, open the cygwin-terminal and run the following command to install apt-cyg.
      chmod +x apt-cyg
      mv apt-cyg /usr/local/bin
  3. Install the required libraries using apt-cyg
      apt-cyg install make gcc-g++ cmake gdal libboost-devel libgdal-devel libexpat1-devel libbz2-devel zlib-devel swig python-devel

Install C++ program and Python bindings

  1. Download the fmm code, open the cygwin-terminal
    mkdir fmm
    cd fmm
    git clone .

    You check the path of the fmm folder by typing pwd on the terminal.

  2. Build and install fmm
    On the cygwin-terminal, build and install the program with cmake
    # Under the `fmm` folder
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j8
    make install

    It will build executable files under the build folder, which are installed to /usr/local/bin:

    • ubodt_gen: the Upper bounded origin destination table (UBODT) generator (precomputation) program
    • fmm: the program implementing fast map matching algorithm
    • stmatch: the program implementing STMATCH algorithm, no precomputation needed

It will also create a folder python under the build path, which contains fmm bindings ( and that are installed into Python site-packages location (e.g., /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages).

Since a shared library is installed into /usr/local/lib, that path must be added to the PATH variable in cygwin.

echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/lib:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Verfication of installation

Verify c++ program

Open a cygwin-terminal terminal and type fmm, you should see the following output:

------------ Fast map matching (FMM) ------------
------------     Author: Can Yang    ------------
------------   Version: 2020.01.31   ------------
------------     Applicaton: fmm     ------------
A configuration file is given in the example folder
Run `fmm config.xml` or with arguments
fmm argument lists:
--ubodt (required) <string>: Ubodt file name
--network (required) <string>: Network file name
--gps (required) <string>: GPS file name
--output (required) <string>: Output file name
--network_id (optional) <string>: Network id name (id)
--source (optional) <string>: Network source name (source)
--target (optional) <string>: Network target name (target)
--gps_id (optional) <string>: GPS id name (id)
--gps_geom (optional) <string>: GPS geometry name (geom)
--candidates (optional) <int>: number of candidates (8)
--radius (optional) <double>: search radius (300)
--error (optional) <double>: GPS error (50)
--log_level (optional) <int>: log level (2)
--output_fields (optional) <string>: Output fields
For xml configuration, check example folder
------------    Program finished     ------------

Verify python binding

In the cygwin-terminal, execute the command below

    # Change to the `example/python` folder under fmm master directory which contains
    cd /home/fmm/example/python

If you have any installation error, refer to Q&A.