

  1. Make error

If the step make fails, make sure that you have all the dependency installed. For the python API installation, it could be that you have multiple version of Python installed. Make sure that the default python version

which python

is the same as the Python library used in cmake build, whose location is printed in the following command.

cmake ..  

Make sure that the command finds the Python header, library and package for the same Python like this one shown below.

-- Python header found at /usr/include/python2.7
-- Python library found at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-- Python packages /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

or anaconda case

-- Python header found at /anaconda2/include/python2.7
-- Python library found at /anaconda2/lib/libpython2.7.dylib
-- Python packages /anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages

If you have multiple version of Python installed, you can manually specify Python position with (from the docuementation of cmake)

cmake .. -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/anaconda2/lib/libpython2.7.dylib -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/anaconda2/include/python2.7

You can also post an issue at fmm repo.