
Ubuntu platform (tested with 16.04)

  1. Install requirements
  2. Install C++ program and Python bindings
  3. Verfication of installation
    1. Run command line map matching
    2. Run python script

Install requirements

  1. Requirements
    • C++ Compiler supporting c++11 and OpenMP
    • CMake >=3.5: cross platform building tools
    • GDAL >= 2.2: IO with ESRI shapefile, Geometry data type
    • Boost Graph >= 1.54.0: routing algorithms used in UBODT Generator
    • Boost Geometry >= 1.54.0: Rtree, Geometry computation
    • Boost Serialization >= 1.54.0: Serialization of UBODT in binary format
    • Libosmium: a library for reading OpenStreetMap data. It requires expat and bz2.
    • swig: used for building Python bindings.

Update the ppa in order to install required version (2.2) of GDAL.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt-get -q update

Install all the requirements with

sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-serialization-dev \
gdal-bin libgdal-dev make cmake libbz2-dev libexpat1-dev swig python-dev

Install C++ program and Python bindings

  1. Build and install the program with cmake
      # Under the project folder
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..
      make -j4
      sudo make install

    It will build executable files under the build folder, which are installed to /usr/local/bin:

    • ubodt_gen: the Upper bounded origin destination table (UBODT) generator (precomputation) program
    • fmm: the program implementing fast map matching algorithm
    • stmatch: the program implementing STMATCH algorithm, no precomputation needed

It will also create a folder python under the build path, which contains fmm bindings ( and that are installed into Python site-packages location (e.g., /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages).

Verfication of installation

Run command line map matching

Open a new terminal and type fmm, you should see the following output:

------------ Fast map matching (FMM) ------------
------------     Author: Can Yang    ------------
------------   Version: 2020.01.31   ------------
------------     Applicaton: fmm     ------------
A configuration file is given in the example folder
Run `fmm config.xml` or with arguments
fmm argument lists:
--ubodt (required) <string>: Ubodt file name
--network (required) <string>: Network file name
--gps (required) <string>: GPS file name
--output (required) <string>: Output file name
--network_id (optional) <string>: Network id name (id)
--source (optional) <string>: Network source name (source)
--target (optional) <string>: Network target name (target)
--gps_id (optional) <string>: GPS id name (id)
--gps_geom (optional) <string>: GPS geometry name (geom)
--candidates (optional) <int>: number of candidates (8)
--radius (optional) <double>: search radius (300)
--error (optional) <double>: GPS error (50)
--pf (optional) <double>: penalty factor (0)
--log_level (optional) <int>: log level (2)
--output_fields (optional) <string>: Output fields
For xml configuration, check example folder
------------    Program finished     ------------

Run python script

Run in bash

    # Change to the parent folder which contains
    cd ../example/python

If you have any installation error, refer to Q&A.